Meet Rep Team 2022 Senior: Alyssa

If you have met Alyssa, count yourself lucky. She is one of those teenagers that everyone wants to be like. She is always positive, laughing, and best of all, smiling! She radiates happiness and attracts people to her wherever she goes and looks for the best in people and is always looking for a way to help someone.

Alyssa is one of those people who gets the job done. While Covid has been a hard year for so many, that didn’t stop Alyssa from wanting to help those who are less fortunate. In the past year, she has started a club at her school called BuildOn which strives to break the cycle of poverty, illiteracy and low expectations. She is raising money to build a school in a low-income community in Malawi, Africa and has currently raised over $30k.

**(If you know Alyssa be sure and leave a comment below telling her something you admire about her, a favorite memory, wish her well or give her a helpful piece of advice for her future. This blog post will stay live forever, so she can always have this post to look back on).**

Let me introduce Alyssa Dabbs, senior from Sunset High School graduating in 2022:

Alyssa loves to be creative and design things. She would love to be a Design Manager in her future. Her dream life is to live in Malibu designing jerseys for the Los Angeles Dodgers, surf in her free time and fall in love with the Dodgers shortstop (this dream is one of the reasons I chose Alyssa from the nearly 100 applicants for my rep team in 2022 b/c I loved this SO FREAKING MUCH). But for now, she loves hanging with friends, playing club soccer, working on her BuildOn community project and playing with her adorable cavapoo puppy named Charlie. Her friends say she “is a ball of energy who always seems to have a smile on her face and laughter on the horizon”..

Alyssa is one amazing person and she will go far in her life and I have every confidence she will accomplish anything and everything she puts her mind to.

Read below about some of Alyssa’s favorite things:

Favorite Food


Favorite Song, Band, Artist

Luke Combs


TV Shows


Gossip Girl

Favorite Class

Graphic Design

Favorite Shops

Urban Outfitters

Princess Poly

Career Goals?

Design Manager of lifestyle shoes at NIke

Sunset High School Senior Photography

Don't worry about what other people are thinking! Just be super positive and be yourself!


Do you know Alyssa? If so, leave a comment below telling her something you love, respect or admire about her!

Meet My Other 2022 Reps:

Want to try out the best press on nails? Click here to see all of the fun designs!